Day 18: Queues and Stacks
class Solution {
// Write your code here
public $stack = [];
public $stack_head = 0;
public $queue = [];
public $queue_head = -1;
public function pushCharacter($s){
array_push($this->stack, $s);
public function popCharacter(){
$result = $this->stack[$this->stack_head];
return $result;
public function enqueueCharacter($s){
array_push($this->queue, $s);
public function dequeueCharacter(){
$result = $this->queue[$this->queue_head];
return $result;
// read the string s
$s = fgets(STDIN);
// create the Solution class object p
$obj = new Solution();
$len = strlen($s);
$isPalindrome = true;
// push/enqueue all the characters of string s to stack
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
pop the top character from stack
dequeue the first character from queue
compare both the characters
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 2; $i++) {
if($obj->popCharacter() != $obj->dequeueCharacter()){
$isPalindrome = false;
//finally print whether string s is palindrome or not.
if ($isPalindrome)
echo "The word, ".$s.", is a palindrome.";
echo "The word, ".$s.", is not a palindrome.";